Be gentle to me….

A large portion of the US is feeling very vulnerable right now on both sides of the election.  I had an interaction today with a former colleague.  In talking about random things, she informed me of who she voted for.  Much to my surprise it was not who I expected or who I voted for. We talked … Continue reading Be gentle to me….

Precognition and a cautionary tale…

It is my passionate belief that Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale be taught in high school and college and should be requisite reading for all women.  It is a wonderful and terrifying book.  Imagine if you will, waking up one day, going to the grocery store and having your ATM card declined because your bank … Continue reading Precognition and a cautionary tale…

I am woman hear me…..damn it…I’m not aggressive!!!

So imagine this scenario. You are in a Friday meeting with another woman; let us call her Mary.  Mary makes a statement in regards to your client that is incorrect and not supported by the lease.  You say, “Mary, I understand that the building standard for this situation is typically X but according to the … Continue reading I am woman hear me…..damn it…I’m not aggressive!!!

Why you should consult your doctor before starting a work out…..

So you may recall I mentioned being a breast cancer survivor. Go me! And I believe I mentioned all the fun that went with that. Have you ever noticed that when you start a weight loss program or work out program there is always a disclaimer somewhere that says “please consult your physician to confirm … Continue reading Why you should consult your doctor before starting a work out…..