Precognition and a cautionary tale…

It is my passionate belief that Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale be taught in high school and college and should be requisite reading for all women.  It is a wonderful and terrifying book.  Imagine if you will, waking up one day, going to the grocery store and having your ATM card declined because your bank account and all your money has been taken out of your name and put into that of your closest male relative.  Then imagine, your worth is now based on your ability to procreate and your choice of who to procreate with is no longer your own.  handmaids-taleScary, horrifying and disgusting.  Given the climate towards women in the past couple years this horror story is much more real.  Add to that the new dynamic facing the US people with the electoral process and you have a prescription for just that type of society.  Maybe I am exaggerating.  I tend to do that.  But think about how close we are.  Roe v Wade gets over turned? Planned Parenthood loses funding.  These things can happen.  It doesn’t take much.

Part of the grieving a portion of the country is doing is for our naiveté. Many of us were so naïve to think that most people felt as we did. That most people are basically good and kind and that racism was only something that a certain small portion of the country embraced.  Well, we can’t say that anymore.  If we were naïve enough to believe in those things, what is to say that in our naiveté we  let the above scenario slip into our reality?  How did we collectively miss the signs that a good portion of our country believes that exclusion, bigotry and hate is a family value?

Ms. Atwood, is a brilliant author. You should read her books.  But while she is a brilliant author, I sure hope she is not precognitive.

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